terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2019

segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2019

A poucas Semanas de um dos pontos máximos das Bibliotecas Escolares no trabalho de promoção da leitura e formação de jovens leitores, apresentamos o cartaz comemorativo da Semana da Leitura´19 e o Programa das atividades previstas para esta iniciativa.

domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2019

Esta semana os alunos do 4.º e 5.º ano têm um ENCONTRO COM... a escritora Maria Francisca Macedo, 
Atividade de Articulação com o Departamento de Ciências.

terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2019

Hi, everyone!It's difficult to make students talk and even more difficult to make them write about something.That's the reason I told them to write a story. I told them to write a story but they had to use some mandatory words and they liked the idea!See what they wrote and where imagination took them!  
I am going to write some of them, but I assure you that they are all nice stories!
Enjoy youselves!

Story A
I am going to tell you the worst and the the best week of my life. 
So, it all started at the beach on a summer day, probably around 7 a.m. I went there to meet some friends.
They were all sitting in front of a fire pit and then I saw this very peculiar boy with an extremely pretty smile! He had a guitar in his hands and he was singing love songs.
After that night we started to go out and got to know each other a little better.
On the third day together he took me for a walk in the surroundings of the city. He bought me a Teddy bear in Toys R' Us, it was so cute, big and white. It was really great! 
As it was almost lunch time I invited him to have lunch at my house. He agreed and then we went.
We ate and then we watched a movie. After the movie I glanced at the clock and I realised it was getting late and I had this dinner party with some friends of mine.
I needed to take a shower so, I told him to go away but then, he got really angry and he started screaming at me. I didn't know what to do so, I slapped him in the face and told him to go away.
He freaked out and and he just took the closest thing to him, which happened to be some jewelry my mother left on the table, and he disappeared.
I sarted thinking how he modified his personality from an admirable boy, who was playing a delightful music, to a weird person.
Do people's personalities change that much, I wonder!
Story written by: Margarida Fonseca, Renata Rodrigues, Tiago Dias e Gonçalo Tomás 
9th Grade - Class D

domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2019

DESAFIO Literário - Receita para o Amor

No âmbito da comemoração do Dia de S. Valentim, a professora Manuela de Fátima lançou um novo desafio no grupo de escrita criativa microESCRITORES.
Os alunos do 9.ºC partilham, aqui, as suas receitas para o amor convosco.

terça-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2019

Hoje comemora-se o Dia da Internet +Segura.
Ao consultares a página da internetsegura em http://www.internetsegura.pt/projecto ficarás mais elucidado sobre os possíveis riscos da utilização das novas tecnologias e como pedir ajuda quando confrontado com uma dessas situações. 
Como concordamos que, prevenir é sempre melhor que remediar, aconselhamos-te, ainda, consultar quais os riscos que podes correr e como proceder ao interagir nas diferentes plataformas ou ferramentas digitais, acedendo diretamente a http://www.internetsegura.pt/riscos-e-prevencoes
A BE Lororosae e o Consórcio Centro Internet Segura 


Neste âmbito, temos uma atividade dinamizada pela Professora Teresa Pombo para os delegados e subdelegados das turmas dos 5.º e 7.º ano